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Click to view full story of "Bath time for tots"

Big Ade: Bath time for tots (Samstag 17. Oktober 2015, 21:09)

Two eight year old children, brother and sister, were having a bath together.

The boy said. “ I’ve got a train you haven’t.”

The girl replied. “Well I’ve got a dolly, you haven’t.”

“You haven’t got a catapult and I have.” Said the boy.

“I’ve got a doll’s pram with shiny wheels, you haven’t.” Said the girl.

The boy thought for a moment and stood up in the bath and proudly said. “ I’ve got one of these, you haven’t.”

The little girl stood up and sneeringly replied. “Well my mummy says that while ever I have one of these I can have as many of those as I want.”