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IIIrd: saying hi (Montag 28. April 2008, 17:09)

hello all,
i'd just like to say hi. i'm about to be a bulldog owner. should be on the 15th with any luck. 2005 model. i've come from a ZZR1100 so its going to be quite a nice change to have a relaxing ride rather than riding the four horses of the apocalypse everytime i go out to the super market.
having ridden the bulldog for an hour or so, i have to say the press are wrong, they've totally missed the point with their damnation of the BT1100. easy , relaxed, and fun....thats what biking to me should be...fun,


Axman: (Montag 28. April 2008, 18:05)

Hello IIIrd,

..you have seen nothing yet...if the bike you`ve ridden is a standard `dog just think of it as the basis for improvement.. In the course of generalization of European Emission Laws there are a lot of "restrictors" built into the Bulldog
But that can be remedied in due course. With a little uncorking it does everything a bit better and behaves like a big V2 should... It will never be a flyer - there are other bikes for that - but nothing compares to the torque and sound of a "open" V-engine..

Welcome to the forum and get inspired by the members (press the "album" button and you´ll see what I mean..)

Are you comming to the "5th International Bulldog Meeting" in June here in Germany?? Get in touch with Mick P. and/or John W. maybe they´ll take you along..



Blubber: (Montag 28. April 2008, 19:05)

Hi IIIrd,

welcome to best motobike-forum I personally know.

Trust Axman, he knows what he is talking about. Once you ride a modified Bulldog
you will feel the difference.

Enjoy the communication here and your new bike on the road.

Best regards from the Black Forrest


schwede: (Montag 28. April 2008, 21:59)

Hi IIIrd,
welcome in the best forum for the Bull.
Hopefully you´ll find all the informations you need to customize your bull like you need it.
An original bull isn´t the same as an tuned one.
Open the exhaust and every harley-driver will kiss your ass for the sound.
Modify the carburator and nearly every Ducatidriver will sell his bike.
Drive to a bikermeeting and nearly noone will know your bike.
Come to the 5th International Bulldog.Meeting in Germany and you will find friends for the rest of your life!!!

Cya on the road

P.S.: Sorry for my english. I hope U understand what I´ve tried to say. :wink:

chim: (Montag 28. April 2008, 23:55)

welcome to the forum.
you will have some hard 17 days ;)

jonny teabag: (Dienstag 29. April 2008, 00:39)

Hiya IIIrd, and WELCOME ABOARD!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes it would be lovely to meet you at the International Meet over in Lichtenau in June!

Never mind if you can't make this trip just keep checking on here for the UK trips with our Southern Members :lol:

Kind Regards,

JT :roll:

WullDee: (Dienstag 29. April 2008, 07:05)

Hi IIIrd,
welcome to the board and (soon) to the Bulldog.
Would be nice to meet you in June in Lichtenau (Northern Germany, near Paderborn), but never mind if you miss it this year - this gives you a chance to reinforce the British Doggers next year to break their record of participants (2007: 4, 2008: 5, 2009: 6 ???).

IIIrd: (Dienstag 29. April 2008, 10:59)

can't wait to get my greedy hands on the bulldog, 17 days...doh! , it'll be the slowest 17 days ever.
speak to you all soon

John w: (Mittwoch 30. April 2008, 21:35)

Hi IIIrd,

Welcome! Enjoy your Bulldog! :-D It won't be long before you start thinking about changing it - the Bulldog seems to have that effect on most people :roll:

If you are wondering about future trips to Germany have a look at this link:


The top section shows the latest UK Tour that a few of us did last weekend. Below are pics of last year's 5th International Bulldog Treffen. As you will see - no two Bulldogs are the same! :cooool:

Cheers ~ John W

IIIrd: (Donnerstag 1. Mai 2008, 15:51)

good photo's John, i also checked out some other albums and the gallary....i think the bulldog is a bit more than a bike....bit like smart cars and their owner. i mean this in a good way :wink:
so...2 weeks and counting and it'll be bulldog day for me....
anyone want to buy a zzr1100? no?